Paper Presentations
Everyone registered in the 29th SCHMS and the 17th International Forum of Medical Students and Junior Doctors has the right to submit his work in order to be presented either as an oral presentation or as an e-poster. The presentations could be delivered either in English or the Greek language.
Paper presentations are distinguished in oral presentations and e-posters.
Oral Presentations
In this form of presentation the student-speaker gets to present their work in front of the audience in 10 minutes’ time (8 minutes for presentation and 2 minutes for discussion). The writing team may consist of more than one person; the presentation, however, will be made by a single speaker.
Every paper which will be presented requires a supervisor, chosen by the author team, who may either be a Faculty member of a Medical School or of another Health-related Department, or a postgraduate student, or PhD candidate, or a specialized doctor. The paper supervisor does not have to register to the congress, as he will be included in the Scientific Committee and thus, will receive a special invitation. The subject of the scientific paper is also chosen by the author team, in conjunction with the supervisor.
Attention: ALL authors participating in the paper, not just the speaker, must have completed their registration at the conference to submit the paper (with the exception of faculty members).
E-posters consist of a maximum of 1 or 2 slides and will be presented at a specific area in the conference hall, where participants will be able to chat with the authors
E-posters consist of a maximum of 1 or 2 slides and will be presented at a specific area in the conference hall, where participants will be able to chat with the authors
E-posters presented in the 29th SCHMS must follow the following guidelines:
• Recommended e-Poster Dimensions: 16:9 (wide-screen), 1920x1080 pixels
• Number of pages: one (1) – two (2)
• Orientation: Horizontal
• Make sure the text color and the background colors are contrasting for better definition
• If you include images, they must be. in the .jpeg or .png format
• Do not use special effects or videos
Students who wish to present their work should submit the abstract, which should:
∙Not exceed the limit of 300 words
∙Be appropriately structured (Introduction – Objectives / Methods – Data / Results / Discussion)
∙Include the bibliography used
The abstract and authors’ data, the name of the presenter and supervisor of the work should all be written in the English language.
The submission of the paper presentation will be performed via the online platform of the conference in
The presentation type (Oral or e-Poster) will be decided by the Organizing Committee, in accordance with the relevant criteria established by the Scientific Committee. Shortly after the submission you will receive a message about the acceptance or not of your work, as well as the presentation type.
Attention: After the submission of the work no changes or corrections will be accepted.
Awarded Presentations
Every paper, regardless of the form of the presentation (oral or e-poster) can be submitted as a candidate for an award via the online platform of the conference in The papers submitted for an award should be about an original topic that exceeds the standard undergraduate level topics.
In addition, it is a prerequisite to submit the full text of the paper, which will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee of the conference.
The 7 best paper presentations will be presented at the same Session of the Conference on Saturday, May 6, 2023.
This year, 3 prizes will be awarded, to the best Oral Presentation, the best E-Poster, which will be selected by the evaluation of the Scientific Committee and a third prize for the most original paper presentation, which will be selected by the voting of the conference participants.
A detailed guide has been created for the awards of the 29th SCHMS including the terms and conditions to be met, as well as, comprehensive steps on how to create and submit your work.
All papers presented at the Conference (and not only those submitted for an award) will be evaluated by the conference participants by voting for the most original paper according to their preference. The announcement receiving the most votes from the public will win an award.
Please contact the Organizing Committee at
We are very much looking forward to receiving your submissions to present your work at the 29th SCHMS and 17th International Forum of Medical Students and Junior Doctors
Deadline for Abstract submission28th February 2023