What is a round table?
Student Round Tables consist of a number of presentations (usually 5) with a common topic.
Each Round Table is formed by a team of students (commonly 5), each of which presents one aspect of the common topic of the Round Table. Every Round Table is supervised by a professor or other faculty member. The duration is 1h 15 minutes, questions included. Every student has 12 minutes available to complete their presentation and 3 minutes dedicated to questions from the audience.
How to participate in a round table
We have created a detailed guide for the Round Tables of the 29th SCHMS and the 17th International Forum, including the terms and conditions for participation, as well as a step-to-step approach on how to apply and then create your presentation.
We hope it will help make your participation easy and enjoyable!
Every participating student is strongly advised to read the guide and is welcome to address us for any further information.
Applications for participation in student round tables will not be accepted after the due date or after the number of applications overcomes our capacities for including them in the program.
For any questions you can contact us through:
We are looking forward to having you actively participating in the 29th SCHMS and the 17th International Forum!
Detailed Guide for Round Tables